Chantelle Murray’s The Lost Tiger, the first animated feature from Australia to be written and directed by an Indigenous woman, has been acquired by Sola Media which is introducing it to buyer at the EFM this week.
Nadine Bates and Kristin Souvlis who founded Like a Photon Creative in 2014 remain curious, passionate and hungry, delivering impactful and innovative content globally.
Sales agency Sola Media is set to present its new project “The Sloth Lane” to buyers at the American Film Market. The animated film, an addition to the “Tales From Sanctuary City” franchise, is described as “a story of self discovery, family and friendship.”
Robert Connolly’s Blueback and Richard Cussó and Tania Vincent’s animated fantasy feature Scarygirl are among the nominees for this year’s Asia Pacific Screen Awards, included in Best Animated Film and Best Youth Film categories, respectively.
Like a Photon Creative has completed production on a sequel to 2020 ‘Aussie mation’ Combat Wombat that features David Wenham, Elizabeth Cullen, and Mark Coles Smith alongside returning cast members Deborah Mailman and Ed Oxenbould.
Haiku and channelling hangry-ness are all in a day’s work for Nadine Bates, whose animation studio, Like A Photon Creative, counts Disney and Sesame Street among its clients. Take a look into a day in the life of Nadine as she shares her schedule for success.
If you quit your full-time job to start a business with your colleague and friend, tough conversations are inevitable. Kristen Souvlis and Nadine Bates, the co-founders of Brisbane's only female-led animation studio, Like A Photon Creative, have found such chats are best conducted in Brisbane's only Korean bathhouse, fully naked.
NADINE Bates and Kristen Souvlis have solved a puzzle many have been trying to work out since they were little kids. They know how to get to Sesame Street.